CEO Addresses Public Concerns Over Drug Use

5th April, 2016

Chief Executive Jon Royle comments on public concerns over drug use in the Telegraph and Argus.

He urged those experiencing substance misuse to contact The Bridge Project for support. Speaking to the T and A, Jon said“All our clients receive an individually tailored treatment plan delivered by a multi-disciplinary team of doctors, nurses, health care workers, specialist drugs workers and volunteer peer mentors.

Our goal is to help users become drug free and then we give them help to get back into employment, training or education for example through a work placement at our social enterprise Forks Cafe.

While injecting heroin use continues to be the main presenting problem we are seeing a year-on-year reduction in the numbers of problem drug users in Bradford with more people coming through treatment and recovering and less young people starting to use drugs in the first place.

The scale of Bradford’s drug problem is similar to that of most other large cities in the country and Bridge works closely with our strategic partners to address the issues of prevention, treatment, enforcement and community safety.

When we become aware of street drug use such as that depicted in the T&A we try to identify the individuals involved, who are generally not accessing services.

Read the full article here

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