Volunteer Team Of The Month | June 2017

5th June, 2017

June’s Volunteer Team of the month …it’s Tina!

First of all, a massive thank you to Tina for all the support she offers to service users in the Vault, and at Unity Recovery Centre.

The number of hours given by Tina over the last 12 months is 192!

Tina provides reflexology and meditation sessions on a Monday and Friday. These sessions help people:

A message from service users who have benefited from Tina’s sessions:

 “I have to say I was very sceptical about reflexology. The best way I could describe it is I had this ‘out of this world’ sensation and I found after reflexology I felt relaxed and very calm. I would recommend it to anyone”

“Over my recovery journey, from putting drugs down, to reducing meds, to living life I have gone to Tina to help to relax. The meditation and reflexology has now become a massive part of my recovery. Tina goes above and beyond for anyone who meets her and she is a wonderful, compassionate person.”

A message from Joe, Team Manager:

“Tina has been with us for many years now, probably the longest standing volunteer we have, and thanks to her commitment we have been able to deliver innovative and valuable additional support interventions to those using the services at Bridge. At a time when the value of alternative therapies had not yet fully been recognised in treatment services we were offering many types to our service users thanks to Tina. She has been a one-woman team since before I began working at Bridge, nearly 4 years ago, and her contribution and dedication has been second to none. Thanking Tina does not seem enough but hopefully it will go some way to demonstrate how valuable she is to our service and those who come through our doors.”

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