My name is Andrew, I’m 31 years old and I’ve been using drugs of some description since I was 11 years old.
That’s a long time. I started with friends in care using solvents and glue, then cannabis, then LSD, then speed, E’s, cocaine, crack and heroin, from 11 through to 18 progressively. From 18 it was just crack and heroin. When I first started using it was good fun, sniffing glue and Tippex thinners with my mates – “What a buzz!” Cannabis, E’s, speed and coke were also good fun.
At first crack and heroin were fun – but not for long. Only until the addiction set in. Getting the money for it was never easy. You name it – begging, stealing, borrowing – I did it.
I degraded myself in every way possible to get these drugs. I first tried to stop about three years ago when I was 28 and just simply couldn’t. Not straight away and not without help. I tried NA (Narcotics Anonymous) and it helped a bit for a while. I tried being on various substitutes and I’ve been in detoxes and rehabs, but never for very long. Detoxes didn’t work because I didn’t have the patience or the gumption to give it enough of a try for it to start to help me. I always left or was thrown out within a couple of weeks.
Now I’ve been coming to Bridge for a couple of weeks and have been actively getting involved in their programme, attending the relapse prevention groups and other support groups. Having one-to-one sessions with my key worker and setting out a timetable and a routine for me to follow has really helped.
I’ve also been making very good use of the gym on structured sessions with the gym instructor and am working towards losing a bit of weight.
Altogether I’ve got more structure and routine in my life and it’s me in the driving seat, so I feel as though I’ve regained a bit of control in my life. Also, I’m now relatively drug free, so I feel I’m doing rather well. I hope these words will help you in your recovery.
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