Housing First is an internationally evidenced intervention, which has proven successful in supporting people with multiple needs and vulnerabilities to maintain housing. The main premise is that an individual should not need to prove they are ready for housing and is instead given a permanent offer of their own home, along with an intensive long-term support package to enable them to maintain it.
In Bradford, Housing First is delivered as a partnership between Bradford Council and The Bridge Project, supporting adults (18+) with repeat histories of homelessness, who experience multiple disadvantages (e.g. substance misuse, offending, domestic violence, physical and mental health) requiring support to access independent and stable accommodation.
Bridge delivers the support arm of the service in partnership with a range of local housing providers. A complex housing needs panel meets on a monthly basis to develop solutions for people’s housing needs. Housing and individual support are coordinated but separate interventions.
Personally tailored support package identifying an individual’s strengths, goals and aspirations.
Ongoing flexible support with all aspects of securing and maintaining accommodation and improving an individual’s health and wellbeing, including:
Access to Housing First is via referral from the complex housing needs panel. Please call 01274 723 863 or email info@thebridgeproject.org.uk to make contact and find out more.
PD’s last tenancy prior to engagement with Housing First was 20 years ago and he had spent the last 5 years rough sleeping. PD was referred by the complex needs housing panel, and his case was allocated to the navigation team. Navigators made contact with PD and used an active engagement approach to build a strong relationship with him. This developed trust and confidence for PD that support was not reliant on him ‘jumping through the right hoops’ but was unconditional and reliable. PD worked closely with his navigator for 4 months prior to moving into his tenancy in an area of his choice. He has remained in the tenancy for 20 months.
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