Multiple Needs Navigator

What is the Multiple Needs Navigator service?

Bridge employs a team of Navigators who proactively support people with the most entrenched multiple needs who are disengaged or disconnected with services. Our team of experienced and highly motivated Navigators work with individuals to help them access the services they need to make positive and sustainable changes in their lives.

Beneficiaries of the scheme will experience at least three of the following

  • Homelessness.
  • Addiction: problematic substance misuse.
  • Reoffending behaviour.
  • Mental ill-health.
  • Physical ill-health.

The work of the service is overseen and coordinated through a multi-agency review board (MARB) which includes partners from police, probation, housing, mental health and substance misuse services. Cases are regularly discussed at the MARB to ensure individuals engaged by the service are receiving high quality, joined up care that meets their needs (e.g. mental health, substance misuse, housing, benefit entitlement)

Navigators provide intensive individualised support to service users including

  • Comprehensive strength-based assessment of needs.
  • Outcome focussed care planning led by the service user.
  • Advocacy with statutory and voluntary sector agencies to ensure service user access to treatment and support.
  • Building a trusting relationship with the service user gained through respect and transparency in all dealings.
  • Confidence building and motivation for service user.
  • Long term support based on ongoing needs.

Please call 01274 723 863 or email to make contact and find out more.


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Our mission is to empower people experiencing multiple barriers to achieve positive change