Volunteer Team Of The Month | May 2017

3rd May, 2017

May’s volunteer team of the month is The Vault Volunteers!

First of all, a massive thank you to our volunteers Jez, Jade, Sam, Kyra, Grennie, Jackie, Donna, Roy, Dave M, Jamie and Mark who have all given their time and passion to The Vault over the last three months. A big thank you also to Emma, Bryan, Rebecca, Faye, Michaela, Michelle, Farzana, Allison, Tracy, Jade, Ollie, Catherine and Nigel  who volunteered last year.

Number of hours given by volunteers to support the running of The Vault over the last 12 months: 4798!

The role of a volunteer in The Vault is to:

What has been the impact of Vault volunteers?

A message from Tony Gibson, Recovery Activities Coordinator :

“No words would do these volunteers justice, they are all stars in their own roles. The passion and commitment to supporting The Vault and its members is lovely to see.  It is privilege to have them on the team and I am grateful for the time they give.  I want to say a great big thank you to you all.”

A message from Joe Kean, Team Manager:

“I couldn’t be more proud of the service that we run in The Vault. Many places in the country talk about recovering communities but few are as active and visible as the one we have here in Bradford and, in particular, in The Vault. This simply would not be possible without the volunteers who are the glue that hold the place together; stepping in when needed and providing much more than just a café service – superbly welcoming attitude, dedicated, kind, thoughtful, professional and supportive of the ethos and practice that we all strive to achieve here at Bridge.”

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