Our Services

Our Services

New Vision

Adult substance misuse services across Bradford and Keighley


Young Persons Drug and Alcohol Service

Wellbeing Hub

Access to a wide range of support for issues & concerns that affect wellbeing


Helps connect out-of-work residents to jobs and training

Liaison and Diversion

Diverting individuals away from crime

The Lotus Project

Adults living in Bradford who are involved or at risk of being involved in sex work

Housing First

Supporting people with repeat histories of homelessness


One-to-one support for both victims and/or perpetrators of domestic abuse

Multiple Needs Navigator

Proactively support people with the most entrenched multiple needs


Multi-Agency Reducing Reoffending Support

Domestic Abuse Perpetrator

Integrated Offender Management (IOM) Domestic Abuse Hub

Family Navigators

Community based whole family support and advice

Bridge Recovery Homes

Our recovery housing provides access to suitable housing

The Bridge Project is a well-established and vibrant local charity providing services to a broad range of people experiencing the effects of deprivation and health inequalities.

Our mission is to empower people experiencing multiple barriers to achieve positive change.

We work with individuals, families, partners, and communities to improve people’s lives in a sustainable way, recognising that solutions are often complex and need to address a range of issues such as homelessness, substance misuse, offending, sex working, risk-taking behaviours, relationships, housing, physical and/or mental health, and employment.

Our purpose is to help you decide what you would like to change and to support you in achieving your goals.

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Our mission is to empower people experiencing multiple barriers to achieve positive change

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